
Get your store on Foody

More orders, happier customers and less time wasted on the phone!

Why should your store be on Foody?

More ordersMore orders
Greater exposureGreater exposure
Less time wasted on the phoneLess time wasted on the phone

Many different kinds of stores work with Foody

Grocery StoreGrocery Store
Pastry ShopPastry Shop
Pet ShopPet Shop
Fish MarketFish Market
Meat MarketMeat Market

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a minimum time frame for the service?

There is no limit to how long you can be a part of Foody.

Do I pay a fixed fee for the service?

The only fee you are charged with is the commission per order.

What equipment do I need?

All foody stores can have a computer, tablet or laptop running Windows 10 or a newer version, alternatively, equipment is provided.

Annual reports Regulation (EU) 1150/2019

What documents are required?